Preparing Development Environment
(Based on Liferay Portal 6.2.0 & windows 8 environment )
Step1: Download necessary software
iii) Eclipse Juno with Liferay IDE integrated
Liferay plugin sdk and liferay tomcat bundle can be downloaded from
And eclipse with Liferay IDE can be downloaded from
Step 2: Unzip the above i) and ii) in your preferred directory
Point eclipse workspace to this directory
Click here to see my workspace directory
Step 3: Configure Plugin SDK in your eclipse
In your eclipse navigate to Window->Preferences->Liferay->Installed Plugin SDKs and point to plugin SDK directory
Click here to see plugin configuration
Step 4: Configure Liferay tomcate bundle in your eclipse
In your eclipse navigate to Window->Preferences->Server->Runtime Environments
Click here to see tomcat configuration
Step 5: Configure Database
To configure database Click here
Now you can launch your liferay from your eclipse.