About Me:
Welcome to ProLiferay. My name is Hamidul Islam and I am 40 years old and living in Bangalore, India. I am not a professional blogger. However, I always feel happy to post new articles in my free time apart from my full-time job
Why ProLiferay?
After completing my Master’s Degree in Computers, I started my career in 2007. I learned C, C++, Java and other computer languages during my University days. Before starting my career in the software industry, I didn’t know anything about Liferay Portal. In my first job, I got training for 3 months in Liferay Portal. That was just the beginning. Over time I learned new technologies which were required for Liferay Portal Development.
It was fascinating to work on Liferay Portal because of its flexibility and technology stack. I had been preparing many important code snippets over time. I always felt the necessity of online documents to refer in my project works and that’s how hosting my own website came into my mind. In December 2013, www.proliferay.com was launched.
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