10 Key Points for Beginners
1. Why do wee need Hook?
Answer: Hook is required to customize Liferay core functionality.
2. How to deploy a Hook?
Answer: Once hook is developed it can be put in liferay deploy folder for deployment.
3. Whats the final artifact for Hook?
Answer: Its a WAR file.
4. Is Liferay Hooks are hot deploy able?
Answer: Yes.
5.Once Hook deployed can it be undeployed?
Answer: Yes.
6.For Hook development is any tools necessary?
Answer: Practically No. But at least you need Plugin SDK and Liferay Bundle.
7.Can we use Eclipse to develop Hook?
Answer: Yes. Your eclipse need Liferay IDE plugin.
8.Can we customize anything in Liferay by Hook?
Answer: No. There are some limitations.
9.Can we deploy multiples Hook in one portal server?
Answer: Yes.
10.What can we customize by Liferay Hook?
Answer: JSP, Liferay Services, Struts Action and many more.
Full List: What we can customize by Liferay Hook (based on 6.2)
i) Customizing JSPs
ii) Customizing Sites and Site Templates
iii) Performing a Custom Action
iv) Extending and Overriding portal.properties
v) Overriding and Adding Struts Actions
vi) Overriding a Portal Service
vii) Overriding a Language.properties File
viii) Extending the Indexer Post Processor
ix) Servlet Filter Hook