

Its too easy to install liferay. Just you have to download liferay bundle like bundle with tomcat or bundle with Glassfish or bundle with JBoss or so on. Liferay tomcat bundle is the most popular one and very easy to configure.

In this site Liferay tomcat bundle and windows operating system is taken into consideration.

Just unzip your liferay tomcat bundle  into your preferred directory. Your installation is done. 

After unzipping the tomcat bundle you will see below directories inside your unzipped folder. Click the below image to see the directory list.


Go inside  \tomcat-7.0.27\bin and double click on startup.bat . It will open new console displaying that your liferay tomcat server is starting. Once liferay is started it will launch automatically your default web browser. For the first time to log into the portal use below credential

User Name:     

Password: test

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