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Important Code Snippets for Liferay Asset Publisher ADT


Asset Publisher Portlet is one of the most important and widely used portlet in Liferay Portal. By Asset Publisher Portlet we can display different assets in the Portal. This portlet is highly configurable and can be customized using Application Display Template (ADT). This article provides some important code snippets for writing Application Display Template (ADT) for Asset Publisher Portlet.


To follow this article you should  have some basic knowledge on

i) Liferay Asset Publisher Portlet

ii) Understanding of Application Display Template (ADT)

iii) Velocity Template or Free Marker Template

For your information:

By default Liferay Asset Publisher Portlet can be configured to display below Assets

Iterate All asset Entries

#if (!$entries.isEmpty())
	#foreach ($curEntry in $entries)

Display read more link

#if (!$entries.isEmpty())
	#foreach ($curEntry in $entries)
	<a href="$assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL($renderRequest, $renderResponse, $curEntry, true)">...readMore</a> 

Get user related information

##The object $user is ready to use in template  
First Name:$user.getFirstName();

Last Name:$user.getLastName();

Full Name:$user.getFullName();

Date utility

##Get current Date in dd-MM-yyyy format 
$dateUtil.getCurrentDate("dd-MM-yyyy", $locale)

## Format date object where $lastLoginDate is date object
## The date object is formatted to dd MMM yyyy format 

#set ($lastLoginDate = $user.getLastLoginDate())

$dateUtil.getDate($lastLoginDate, "dd MMM yyyy", $locale)

##Convert String to date object 
$dateUtil.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd","some-date-string", $locale)

Using $locale object

##Get key value from resource bundle. Here asset-services is the key 

$languageUtil.get($locale, "asset-services")

##Get Current Language Id

##Compare current Language Id with another. 
##Use the below in if condition  

Identifying Asset Type

##Identify Journal Article
#if (!$entries.isEmpty())
	#foreach ($curEntry in $entries)
	#set($renderer = $curEntry.getAssetRenderer() )
    #set($className = $renderer.getClassName() )
    #if( $className == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle" )
       ## Some other logic goes here 

In the above source code the line if( $className == “com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle” ) identifies the Journal Article. Similarly we can compare the below default Asset Types

Iterate Journal Article Structure Data

#if (!$entries.isEmpty())
#foreach ($curEntry in $entries)
	#set($renderer = $curEntry.getAssetRenderer() )
    #set($className = $renderer.getClassName() )
    #if( $className == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle" )
    #set( $journalArticle = $renderer.getArticle() )
    #set( $document = $$journalArticle.getContent()) )
	#set( $rootElement = $document.getRootElement() )
	#foreach( $dynamicElement in $rootElement.elements() )
		 ##Say that in Web Content Structure there is a field name newsLocation
		  #if( "newsLocation" == $dynamicElement.attributeValue("name") )
			##Retrieve the data from newsLocation field 
			#set( $newsLocation = $dynamicElement.element("dynamic-content").getText())


## Get Company ID

## Get Scope Group ID 

##Get Current plId 

##Get Current Page Title 

##Iterate all the current menu items (i.e., navigation items) 
#foreach( $item in $navItems ) 


All the above codes are velocity code and has been tested in Liferay 7. If you need more code snippets related to Asset Publisher ADT then write your comment in the below.  

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